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THE IDEA: create a piece of media which focuses on the physical marks left by injections. The injections are painted on with henna and photographed at the end of the week to show how medication must constantly be administered. Would also include audio diaries 


PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION: Take a picture of the body with henna art painted on. Projection map onto the image to highlight specific injection sites and play the associated audio diary.

Documentation: About


Amy, my advisor warned that my implementation seemed campy and was so broad in terms of subject matter, that condensing it into a few randomly plaing diaries would not do the subject justice.


I have reworked my idea and have settled on creating a website where the diaries can reside and the user can go in and look, quite intimately at all of the information the Wheelan's life revolves around. Perhaps I will encompass other social media platforms to round out the representations of self and to really give this website a kind of life and presence.


<-- An outline for my website and information

Documentation: About

WEEK 5-6

I finalized how I want to go about recording my data and then displaying it. Wix utilizes databases to create dynamic pages. Using these tools I will create pages that change the information on them depending on the day the user is looking at.  Preview my database and current output below. I am currently keeping a very sterilized aesthetic to reflect the medical nature of what I am talking about, juxtaposed with the intimate nature of what is being discussed.

Documentation: About

Week 6 - 8

I presented my current work and the feedback was that the layout was generally boring. I believe this is a result of the fact that I tried to make my project very clinical. Most of my class mates recommended adding personality to the website and providing a voice to it that is similar to my own-- Sarcastic and sardonic and loud.


I changed the color scheme to reflect my own favorite color combinations and have altered the voice to articulate my true feelings regarding my privacy i.e. frustration, resistance, sarcasm. This voice is portrayed in the headings and subtitles at every turn . I have also added additional pages. Currently only the last button suggesting other pages is active as it links to my documentation page.


Below, please see examples of my new layout and information displayed. I have chosen to remove my carb intake out of mindfulness about eating disorders in those who may interact with my site. Instead I chose to display all of my daily readings for my blood sugar.

new scheme.PNG
Documentation: About

WEEK 8 -9

To ease user interaction I have added a menu to more easily navigate the entries for a certain month. After selecting "Be Inappropriately Nosey" the user can now select the month they want to navigate as well as the specific day, so now they are not forced to scroll via next and previous buttons. 


In addition to a menu, I have also added content to the FGA page on the home page. This is a funny take on an FAQ page which give responses to Frequently Given Advice that type one diabetics can be offered by uninformed people. 

Documentation: About


I created my first piece of body art for this project. Over the course of one week I recorded my injections my outlining the marks that were made, in sharpie. At the end of the week, I used body paints to create something entirely new from the marks. For this week I made them into whimsical aliens. I think this is a great way to reclaim the sterilized practice of injection, and to personalize my experience.


The body art is currently being held on Instagram @ChronicCanvases but will ideally soon be included with the diaries. 

Documentation: About



I presented today and it was recommended that I make the journal entries flow better with the overall personality of the website. As of right now they are quite docile and tame rather than the typical sardonic and funny voice which subverts expectations. 


It was also suggested that I try to work with the qualities of the entities themselves to elicit a more concrete idea of Diary. I.e. hand written entries, doodles, or something else to elicit the idea of authenticity and intimacy.


I want to start including video diaries and more multimedia aspects. I am currently recording some images on Instagram at ChronicCanvases. I may scrap this part but for now it is working well as an archive. 


I am working with the tools available on Wix to try and figure out how to integrate multimedia into my dynamic pages please reference the picture to the left. I am trying to make the layout such that even if there is not multimedia information, the entry will still appear natural. Everything on this page is essentially a place holder for the attached data from my database for February


Documentation: About

Spring Break


Changing and reinterpreting my diary entries from February and March to match the tone of the rest of the piece.


Compiling the list of diabetes friendly meals


Reintegrating photos from the instagram to be included in relevant diary entries.  

Documentation: Text

Week 11

Proposed Layout

The images will also include a link to the diary. Not included here since it is not set up yet

Documentation: Welcome

URL Conciderations

I need to create a bitly account to create a custom url. 
I plan to use the url chronicart if available.

Documentation: Text

Ideas for Improving "Diary Aesthetic"

There is a way to create a vector of a given text or of a stroke and then to animate over the file when it is saved as .svg. I will be trying this later this week.

 This is the specific tutorial I found ---->

This asset would be on the top of each diary entry and write out the phrase Dear Diary. I wonder if there is a way to make multiples of these so it does not become monotonous. 


I also want to create assets to put in the sides of the diary entry which look like typical doodles, though with a diabetic twist. i.e. doodles of needles or of stick figures that have insulin pumps.


I tried to make a single loop gif using OBS to siphon out me working on an art program but I think it will be less messy to work with a vector program like InkSkape and grappling with the new learning curve rather than strong arm something that may look bad.


Documentation: Text

New Resources

Doodles need to be redone with higher quality. I wanted it to look like pencil but I will have to adjust opacity on wix rather than in the art program.
-- Program used: Media Bang Paint


I am trying to create a few different fonts from my hand writing as well

Documentation: Gallery

Final Images

I compiled my final images. For now I have 5 images of body paint and four of my QR codes. They have been edited to have a white background


The body art creates a cross and the four corners are the QR codes

Documentation: About
Documentation: Gallery

Mobile Version

Documentation: Video

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